All Podcasts> Navigating Business Law and Succession Planning with Expert Steve Parr

Steve Parr shares his journey from founding and selling a vacation rental company to starting his own law firm, Parr Business Law. In this episode, he breaks down the essentials of business succession planning. Steve highlights why it’s so important to have a solid business structure, clear legal agreements, and backup plans in place for the unexpected. After all, every business partnership ends eventually—it’s just a matter of when.  

0:22 Introducing Steve Parr 
5:00 Key Legal Steps for Small Business Owners 
10:41 Estate Planning for Business Owners 
15:03 Business Succession Planning 
19:55 Trusts in Estate Planning & Testamentary Trusts 
21:30 Alter Ego Trusts 
22:38 Estate Planning & Life Insurance 
27:02 Legal Trends and Compliance 
30:45 High Growth Business Challenges 
34:11 Common Client Experiences 
37:02 Final Thoughts and Contact Info 

Steve Parr 

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